Thursday 14 January 2010

The First Thought

Not really my first thought, but it is on this blog. I thought I'd introduce what I mean by my 'thoughts' or 'wonders'. If you know me, you know I have a strange mind; I see things is such a bigger light. Little things in the day normally make me laugh or give me that warm feeling inside (I like to think I share my quality with the commedian Russell Howard). I wouldn't call it a big quality, but I think it's a nice one.
I find the people who look down on life really need to share this quality with me; it brings you to love life for every moment. Today, I had a little giggle at the sight of two birds on my neighbour's bird bath trying to bathe in the snow. It was funny, but it also made me think - who made the bird bath? Who thought 'Hey, why don't I let birds have a bath outside?'? or who thought 'Those birds need a new way of getting water thats up high and can help them stay away from cats a little more!'?
Can you see what I do yet? I take these small things and I put them much more into depth! Why doesn't everyone else do it for once? Go on! Look at a cup, start thinking! Where did the cup come from? Why did people decided to make cups of that structure? Who thought to call it 'cup'? Who the hell thought about putting a handle on the bloody thing?!
See, keeps you thinking at takes you away from the little misseries which life likes to indulge us with.
I want to thank the first person to make a Facebook group that people agreed with. Being a girl, and addictedto Facebook, I have become a fan of over 1,700 pages. That's quite bad. But I agree with everything I become a fan of (except the occasional boy ones which I join for the giggle sakes). I've exceeded joining groups, so it's annoying when I can't join one. But becoming a fan, wow, I don't know where the limit is, but I'm reaching it no doubt. But The happiness I see in this is the fact that everyone is becoming addicted to it! It's making people smile! Then I think about what it was that I became a fan of (and here is my usual thoughts following one:)
"Doe Anyone In Eastenders Own A Washing Machine.. ?"
This made me think about my years of watching Eastenders and poor little Dot having to sort the washing out. I grew up with Eastenders being shown in my life, and other TV soaps like Corrie and Emmerdale; all of which I still watch occasionally. And someone who could think of something which can make over 9,000 fans is truely amazing to be honest. Just one persons thought about Eastenders can make over 9,000 people smile to themselves or even have a little giggle!
It's amazing my mind, right? I am able to take small things and make them much more bigger. I'm not being vain, but I like my mind. I know a lot of people who probably see things as I do; and I applaud you.
So this is what my blog will be about. I will put out little things from my day and explain what went through my mind at the time. Thanks to Ugly Betty for giving me the idea of a blog & thanks to Benjamin Stevens who helped me think of a subject.
Hope you enjoyed reading my first blog!
Charmy x